A big part of Southtown Culture is our Artwalks! Second Saturday Artwalk is a FREE family and pet friendly monthly artwalk event occurring every second Saturday of every month in the Collins Garden and Lone Star neighborhoods.
What time?
6-10 pm – generally – some spaces open at 7pm
Where to start?
A good place to start is The iconic 1906 art complex (1906 S. Flores), home to 14 art studios, and then take off from there! Other art filled spaces in the neighborhood are Freight Gallery & Studios, 10bit Works, Church Studios, R Gallery and Lone Star Studios. Have fun discovering music, brews and bites along the way and spend time getting to know and supporting your local art scene. We have a beautiful community. We’ll see you soon!
Questions email southtownsatx@gmail.com
We do not handle vendors.
Southtown Culture is Another S.M.A.R.T. Project